Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Live in a Dive

This is a live recording of Me and my good friend Kallie Hancock playing at The Muse Music Cafe in Provo on April 11th, 2013

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Harley The Dog

Well guys, it's been an incredibly long time since I've gotten on the blog.  It's not that I dont want to look at it, but rather I just forget! Completely my fault, but not my problem.  Anyway, I just wanted to say congrats to Joe and Nate on your life changing decisions of moving up here and getting hitched.  Both events will result in a multitude of laughter.

As some of you know, I purchased a GIIIRRLLLLL!!!  She is a pure bread Golden Retriever and she is hilarious.  Last night I was playing with her on the carpet and she bit my ear so hard that her teeth ripped my ear and I bled my own blood for a long time.  I was pissed, but since she is only 6 weeks old I couldn't beat the sh!t out of her.  But if she pulls that stunt in a year from now I'll punch her in the dew claws.

Also, Alex and I are currently house hunting for a place here in Utah County.  Looking for a home is hella stressful, but i'll be stoked when I have my own house with a backyard.  It's a lotta money, but it'll be a good investment.  All of you are invited to come over for a BBQ party when we move in.

Lastly, I have decided to turn down my internship job offer and stick with Great Harvest.  I see a future with the bakery and plenty of money as well.  I'm currently working on a business strategy to buy out the owner of the bakery I work in.  Perhaps someday when I have the means I'll open a new bakery down in Orange County, SD, or LA.  But in the meantime, I'm happy to provide you all with free bread (contingent upon your victory over me in racquetball, of course).